CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) at Ian Ramsey CE Academy aims to equip pupils with the skills and information they need to be successful both in and beyond their lives at Ian Ramsey.
From Year 7, pupils participate in planned careers lessons as part of their personal development programme which help them develop the skills they need to plan their learning and careers post-16.
In Year 11, all pupils receive a one to one careers interview from our fully qualified, Youth Direction careers adviser, who works with our young people to produce an action plan for success in their post-16 journey, as well as numerous visits from local colleges in the area.
In Year 10, our dedicated ‘Year 10 Careers Week’ sees pupils visit local colleges to experience courses and college life first hand. Pupils learn about traditional routes such as A-levels, but also gain valuable knowledge about apprenticeships and other learning pathways.
Teaching staff can access careers resources via the internal shared area
Careers Lead: Helen Shaw (Senior Assistant Head Teacher) T: 01642 585205
Careers Coordinator: Nathan O’Boyle T: 01642 585205
Academy Council Lead: Mr Lee Hammond (contact through academy main office)
Local companies wishing to support in partnership with the Academy should, in the first instance, contact the Careers Lead (above). We look forward to working with local industry and business to establish productive partnerships for their potential, future workforce.
Online Guide For Schools and Students 2020 – Stockton Sixth Form
Transition Material for FE Providers