Each Form tutor will allocate 5 achievement points each week, points will be allocated for:
- 100% attendance and punctuality
- Full correct uniform
- Planner used and signed
- Positive attitude to learning (no behaviour points)
- Correct equipment (pen, pencil, ruler as a minimum, reading book for Year 7 and 8
- Each form time pupils are expected to complete an equipment check by asking pupil to place their equipment on their desks. Tutors check for pen, pencil, ruler, planner, planner signed, planner in good order and a reading book in years 7 and 8.
- Set the “tone” for the day, by creating a positive ethos, establishing/encouraging good pupil/teacher, pupil/pupil relationships, and developing both a Tutor Group and a school spirit and identity.
- Conduct collective worship and participate in collective worship. Be at collective worship to register and check standards by 8.35am on “worship” days
- Be the first point of contact for Parents/Carers.
- Provide a listening ear, referring, as appropriate, to pupils with specific problems.
- Be vigilant for, and act on, or, if necessary, report, signs of problems, for example bullying, neglect, abuse (updating the antibullying log, if bullying is the issue, and being aware of Child Protection Procedures, please see Staff Handbook for further details).
- Assist with guidance, for example induction, options, careers, further education.
- Monitor and intervene in the effective use of the Pupil Planner. Tutors must look at and sign planners at least once per week.
- Tutors to act on any notes in planners, seeking support/guidance from appropriate staff if needed.
- Promote, maintain and monitor the records of attendance and punctuality for your tutor group, ensuring notes are received concerning any absence
and passed on to the Attendance Officer. Tutors should alert Heads of Year/Pastoral Managers to any patterns of, or suspicious, absences and/or punctuality.
The tutor is to ensure that pupils are ‘dressed’ correctly for the day ahead. The main areas to check include:
- Make-up should be discrete and natural, if pupils are wearing too much please ask them to remove it.
- Oversized and patterned hair accessories are removed. Please remove them from pupil and return them at the end of the school day.
- ‘Non-natural’ hair colour or styles (even if 2 natural colours)/styles are to be referred immediately to the Head of Year or Pastoral Manager.
- Pupils are not wearing any jewellery, including piercings (one stud per earlobe permitted only). Please remove any jewellery from pupils and return it to them at the end of the school day.
- Correct footwear, no plimsolls/trainers allowed. If there are any concerns, please refer to the Head of Year or Pastoral Manager immediately.
- Pupils are wearing the full correct school uniform. Top buttons are done. Skirts are modest in length. Tight, Lycra skirts, patterned tights and brightly coloured t-shirts underneath shirts are not allowed. Any concerns, please refer immediately to the Head of Year or Pastoral Manager.
- Ensure that pupils remove coats and outdoor clothing during tutor time.
- Ensure that mobile phones/earphones/personal music players etc. are switched off and placed in pupils’ bags.
- Persistent issues should be communicated to the parents via the planner in the first instance and then Pastoral manager and Head of Year.
Classroom expectations
Effective teaching and learning is key to good behaviour. Pupils cannot learn unless they behave well. The role of the classroom teacher is therefore paramount in promoting good behaviour.
Consistency when applying strategies and sanctions is critically important in maintaining high standards of behaviour and in supporting each other.
Class Charts
Teachers use an on-line system for rewarding points for positive behaviours but also negative. Should a pupil receive negative points they will receive a detention from the teacher, possibly Head of Dept/SLT. For more serious offences the teacher can request ON CALL, whereby the pupil will be removed from the classroom and asked to work elsewhere. This is only for serious disruption or incidents in lessons.
ON CALL must also be used for any serious breach of health and safety
View Our Behaviour, Discipline, Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy