Aims and rationale
At Ian Ramsey Church of England Academy, we recognise that all pupils of all abilities should be challenged to ensure:
- high achievement;
- the acquisition of skills that enable them to take risks;
- resilience that drives them to find solutions;
- the ability to be effective independent learners who know how to collaborate and communicate effectively with others safely across a range of media, digital and conventional;
- ingenuity and inspiration.
In all years, we provide breadth of provision through the curriculum and enrichment, stretching and challenging academic depth and widening the participation of the most and more able in order to create opportunities for their talents and abilities to emerge. We promote the inclusion of the disadvantaged more able students to raise aspirations and narrow gaps in skills for life long success. By recognising and providing additional opportunities, we ensure that we develop an appropriate curriculum which creates opportunities for extension, enhancement and enrichment activities and thereby allow our MAT pupils to flourish. We are proud to be a member of the National Association for Able Children in Education,
The identification of able, gifted and talented pupils is a process which the whole teaching and support staff participate in, as well as parents, carers and the children themselves.
The identification begins when a child joins the Academy. The Academy is keen to understand their achievements and interests in particular areas as they join the school. Discussions with parents and carers will enable us to create the best possible picture of the child, and records of awards and achievements in academic, sporting, musical, artistic and any extra-curricular activities will be helpful in this respect.
Both qualitative and quantitative information is used for identification purposes.
Curriculum, teaching, and learning
A programme of formative, summative (internal and external) assessment takes place to inform the MAT register alongside the analysis of results from Key Stage 2 SATs and reading ages. All subject areas will identify the most/more able pupils and tailor their Schemes of learning to stretch and challenge skills, knowledge and application. Curriculum Leaders identify talents alongside academic performance to ensure that further challenge can drive success in extra-curricular activities.
Extension, enhancement and enrichment
Those pupils who are identified as being more academically able are closely monitored to ensure the right level of challenge in their work, encouraging self-confidence and independence in learning. A variety of differentiated classwork and homework promote the acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding and foster critical and creative thought.
Whilst our prime concern is to cater for the academic needs of our most able and talented pupils, many benefits from the special events and classes provided through the support programme for targeted groups and our extensive extra-curricular programme. Pupils are provided with opportunities for problem solving, division-making, speculation, evaluation and research. Our broad range of extracurricular activities provide pupils with opportunities to participate in performances, sports activities, community and other projects such as STEM.
At Ian Ramsey we are proud of our pupil leaders; we have a team of pupil senior leaders and prefects in year 11 and encourage leadership at every level of the school, starting at year 7. We have a team of anti bullying ambassadors,transition buddies, pupil librarians,
Our current initiatives also include:
- The SSAT Student Leadership Accreditation with the Y11 prefects
- ‘The Ian Ramsey Leadership Award’ with Y10 and Y11 pupils who give their time to be pupil leaders within our extra curricular activities
- A peer mentoring scheme with Y10 pupils (mentoring Y7 pupils)
Our house system further supports our pupils to be leaders at all levels and provides all with opportunities to challenge themselves through regular competitions such as Ready, Steady Cook, The Ramsey Factor and Olympic events.
We engage with our wider community. We have strong links with local colleges and sixth forms and regularly invite these in to meet with our pupils as well as arranging visits for pupils in KS4. We promote events that happen at the weekend/ holidays, through tutor time and on our social media. We also organize trips to local theaters, exhibitions and cultural visits throughout the year but also in our dedicated enrichment week in the summer term to enrich learning beyond the national curriculum.
Tracking and assessment
The progress of our more able pupils is monitored closely through teaching assessment, use of tests, regular tracking of performance of individuals and sub-groups and comparison with local and national outcomes.
Useful Links:
20 Family Days Out for High Learning Potential Children
50 Resources for Parents and Carer of MAT pupils
Ian Ramsey Recommended Reading Lists
Sample Oxbridge Interview Questions