“Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others, as
faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)
To provide a consistent framework for behaviour and discipline, that will allow all pupils to learn in a safe, positive and supportive learning environment leading to improved outcomes.
1. A consistent approach to behaviour management;
2. Strong academy leadership;
3. Classroom management;
4. Rewards and sanctions;
5. Behaviour strategies and the teaching of good behaviour;
6. Staff development and support;
7. Pupil support systems;
8. Liaison with parents and other agencies;
To have a whole academy approach to managing behaviour, using positive and assertive teaching techniques where pupils are rewarded for positive behaviour. There is an agreed set of classroom standards, which are displayed in every classroom, a system of rewards for positive behaviour and a set of sanctions for unacceptable behaviour.