SEND Policy | SEND Report to Directors | SEN Information Report
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Stockton’s Local Offer
Teaching pupils with SEND is a whole school responsibility, requiring a whole school response.
Central to the work of every class and every subject teacher is a continuous cycle of planning, teaching, assessment and evaluation that takes account of the wide range of abilities, aptitudes and interests of the pupils. The starting point will always be a review of the strategies being used and the way in which these might be developed. The majority of the pupils will learn and progress within these arrangements; however, for pupils with SEND, there may be a need to provide an enhanced level of provision that supports and enhances their learning abilities.
Ian Ramsey Church of England Academy adopts a graduated response to meet those needs. It may require an initial use of classroom resources before using specialist expertise. When a young person is identified as having SEND, the pupil will be put on the SEN Register and the school will:
- Use information from the Primary or previous school to support the pupil
- Ensure that ongoing observation and assessment provides feedback about the pupil’s achievements to inform future planning
- Involve the pupil in planning and agreeing targets to meet their needs
- Involve parents in developing a joint learning approach at home and at school
- Use standardised screening and assessment tools
- Provide interventions that are additional to or different from those provided as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum
Ian Ramsey has a dedicated team of SEND Staff, whose job it is to support, guide and advise, to ensure the needs of pupils are catered for in their classrooms.
Our Team consists of our SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo, 4 HLTA’s and 7 LSA’s who are all committed to ensuring that pupils are able to access their learning in the best ways possible.
Approximately 17% of our school pupil population is on our SEND register at any time. Pupils move on and off the register, according to their level of need, or the interventions offered, which might be short or long term, and progress made.
A range of interventions can be offered in school, depending on the needs of the pupil. We work with pupils, who have reading and spelling ability below their chronological ages, to ensure they have the skills to be able to access the curriculum. We use intervention programmes to help with further literacy development and offer numeracy intervention and support to pupils who might be struggling in this area. We also offer different types of intervention and support to pupils needing help with emotional wellbeing.
The Academy has different rooms dedicated to pupil support. Our intervention room is where we have small group catch–up sessions for literacy and numeracy support work, and where we work with our KS4 pupils who are following alternative curriculum pathways. Our Learning Zone is where pupils are supported to develop positive behaviours and attitudes for learning. We also have a sensory quiet room to help pupils who might need support with managing emotional regulation.
At Ian Ramsey, we use a SEND Support Programme to ensure all pupils on the SEND register receive the support they need. This programme involves listening to the views of the child and parent at regular points throughout the school year.
Every pupil on the SEND Register has a Learner Profile. This is a document which summarises their area of need, strengths and difficulties and strategies for how best to support them to make progress in the classroom. All teachers access this information, which ensures everyone receives the relevant information about pupils. Learner profiles are updated in line with our SEND Support Programme or if external advice or recommendations are received from support agencies.
We also work closely with many external agencies including Alliance, CAMHS, Educational Psychologist and a Specialist Teaching Service to ensure the needs of pupils are met.
Ian Ramsey Academy is an inclusive school with a SEND Team who are passionate about making sure pupils have what they need to be able to learn.