Home learning is an important part of schoolwork; it helps pupils to learn independently, reinforces the learning done during school time and, helps develop good self-discipline and work ethic. This teaches pupils the skills that are vital to them gaining strong outcomes throughout their life.
Click below to see the suggested timetable for each year group. These timetable are designed to help pupils organise when they complete homework to ensure deadlines are met. However, pupils can complete homework whenever they choose, as long as it is completed on time.
In addition, pupils will be expected to complete 2-lessons per week of Bedrock Learning, set by their English teacher, to support their reading skills and Sparx Maths, set by their maths teacher, to support developing their mathematical skills. Reading and numeracy are fundamental skills to supporting overall progress.
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is available for pupils to access at lunchtime and after school to support them in completing home learning.
If pupils require help or support, it is important they speak with their class teacher before the home learning deadline to receive the guidance needed to complete the set work.
A copy of our Home Learning Expectations can be found in the policies section of the website.